Driven by specific medical needs and with direct access to the medical infrastructure, the research projects of the EKFZ accelerate the digitalization of medicine.
Innovation Projects
The EKFZ supports medical-technological Interdisciplinary Innovation Projects (IIP). IIPs are an open instrument. It is coordinated by two PIs: an experienced clinician and a hight-tech specialist. The clinician needs a scientific track record in the respective field at Dresden University Hospital/Faculty of Medicine representing the medical need and needed clinical mentorship. The high-tech specialist of the TU Dresden, one of the Fraunhofer institutes IWS, IWU, FEP, IKTS, IPMS, of the HZDR/NCT/UCC Dresden and/or a Leibniz-Institute brings outstanding expertise and technologies into the IIP. In each round, we fund up to three new projects with excellent scientific quality, high originality, and demonstrable clinical relevance. A committee of internal and external experts reviews all applications and makes recommendations to the steering committee, who makes the final decisions.