ideal framework conditions for promising medical research

Innovation Projects

Driven by specific medical needs and with direct access to the medical infrastructure, the research projects of the EKFZ accelerate the digitalization of medicine.

The EKFZ supports medical-technological Interdisciplinary Innovation Projects (IIP). IIPs are an open instrument. It is coordinated by two PIs: an experienced clinician and a hight-tech specialist. The clinician needs a scientific track record in the respective field at Dresden University Hospital/Faculty of Medicine representing the medical need and needed clinical mentorship. The high-tech specialist of the TU Dresden, one of the Fraunhofer institutes IWS, IWU, FEP, IKTS, IPMS, of the HZDR/NCT/UCC Dresden and/or a Leibniz-Institute brings outstanding expertise and technologies into the IIP. In each round, we fund up to three new projects with excellent scientific quality, high originality, and demonstrable clinical relevance. A committee of internal and external experts reviews all applications and makes recommendations to the steering committee, who makes the final decisions.

The increasing opportunities of the digitization for medicine require an increased interdisciplinary consideration of digital health from an economic, business and methodological perspective. In addition to the project funding line for medical-technological IIPs the EKFZ supports projects with a focus on health economics (IIP Economic) and projects with a focus on the humanities and social sciences (IIP Social).

Funding lines

IIP MedTech

Digital health technologies to address a medical need

The EKFZ supports medical-technology IIPs mainly in the fields of sensors, implants & devices and connected care. IIP funds are institutional seed funds designed to quickly build new collaborations and test new ideas of physicians and high-tech specialists. IIPs support the road to a “proof-of-concept” that allows these teams to go on to acquire third-party or industry funds to translate their ideas into clinical practice. The funding will help to develop a novel generation of tech-savvy clinician scientists on campus within the Dresden School of Clinical Science. Therefore, a convincing commitment of a Clinician Scientist and the host clinical institution is central to the IIP concept. The participation of high-tech talents is very welcome. Cooperation with the partners and associated members of the EKFZ are highly encouraged.

IIP Social

Addressing societal impact of digital health technologies

The increasing opportunities that digitalization offers for medicine, require an increased interdisciplinary consideration of ethical, philosophical, social and legal issues. The IIP_Social grants are start-up funds, which help to quickly establish new cooperation and to acquire additional funding. The networking and establishment of new project teams, consisting of physicians and experts from the humanities and social sciences, is a priority. The aim is to kick-start top-class scientific projects that can demonstrate a clear perspective, e.g. for networked DFG funding of the thematic priority on campus. Cooperation with the non-university partners of the EKFZ (Dresden Fraunhofer Institutes, Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf, NCT/UCC Dresden) is possible.

IIP Economic

Addressing health economic aspects of digital health technologies

These projects contribute to a successful implementation of new digital health technologies into routine care. They consider topics such as demand orientation, user centricity and added-value of digital health solutions. The IIP_Economic grants are start-up funds, which help to quickly establish new cooperation and to acquire additional funding. The networking and establishment of new project teams, consisting of physicians and experts from the health economics, is a priority. The aim is to kick-start top-class scientific projects that can demonstrate a clear perspective, e.g. for networked DFG funding of the thematic priority on campus. Cooperation with the non-university partners of the EKFZ (Dresden Fraunhofer Institutes, Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf, NCT/UCC Dresden) is possible.

EKFZ funded projects














ReMoTe CarE

Completed IIPs


Context-Sensitive Data Glasses












Enhanced Catheters





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