Medical ultrasound has transformed diagnosis and management in all areas of clinical medicine. However, current ultrasound imaging has limited spatial resolution, depends on bulky devices and is highly user dependend. HybridEcho is an interdisciplinary group of engineers, computer scientists and physicians working on methods and technologies to resolve these issues.

With our research group we cover the complete area of medical ultrasound, from transducer development over signal design to advanced algorithms.

Transducer Design

Imaging & Signal Processing

Clinical Studies

Transducer Design

Imaging & Signal Processing

Clinical Studies


Comparative Analysis of Mismatched Filtering Techniques: Cyclic vs. Non-Cyclic Approach

Open Positions

Get in touch: Contact us via mail if you are interested in collaborations or looking for an internship.

This section will be updated regularly with open positions. If you would like to inquire more about possible opportunities within our group please contact Moritz Herzog.

We have open positions for students (engineering, computer science and medicine) as SHK or for Bachelor-/Master-/Diplomathesis in the following areas:

  • Signal design for ultrasonic imaging, including support in the theoretical design and experimental validation.
  • Implementation of imaging algorithms in an FPGA.
  • AI-based analysis of ultrasonic raw data.
  • Usability studies of clinical ultrasound.
  • Simulation of acoustic metamaterials.

For all areas, we do not require specific knowledge beforehand, since most of the required skills are usually learned while working on the problem.

The Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems at the TU Dresden is looking for a dedicated research associate (f/m/x) joining the HybridEcho team.

You can find the full job description and details of your application at LinkedIn or in this document.

Who We Are

Group Leader

Moritz started his research career in anaesthesiology, developing new methods of ventilation and lung imaging. After starting his residency in gastroenterology in 2020, he started to build up the HybridEcho research group in 2020.

Richard is postdoctoral researcher and head of the “Health” group at
the Vodafone Chair (TU Dresden). He specializes in real-time imaging algorithms and innovative signal processing methods. After his diploma degree in Mechatronics and a Dr.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering, he worked as an Embedded Software Architect for renewable energies and as a Postdoc at IFW Dresden, focusing on photoacoustic-guided closed-loop control of microrobots.

Group Members

M. Sc. Edgar Dorausch

Lead scientist on image reconstruction

Edgar joined the HybridEcho group as a PhD student after finishing his master’s thesis on Fourier-based multistatic image reconstruction in 2022. Under the supervision of Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, he is responsible for the development of new algorithms for image reconstruction and data compression.

Dipl.-Ing. Julian Kober

Lead scientist on system integration

Julian joined the research group in 2022 after attending the “Clinicum Digitale”. In his diploma thesis he investigated the thermal behaviour of ultrasonic transducers during continuous broadband excitation. He is continuing his work as a PhD student, focusing on the hybrid integration of broadband ultrasound transducers.

Dipl.-Ing. Tönnis Trittler

Lead scientist on transducer manufacturing

Tönnis studied mechatronics at TU Dresden (2016 – 2022). For his diploma thesis, he joined the HybridEcho research group, investigating the micromachining of the piezoelectric material PMN-PT with ultrashort laser pulses. After graduation he started his PhD on the manufacturing of broadband ultrasound transducers.

M. Sc. Cornelius Kühnöl

Lead scientist on signal conditioning

Cornelius, a Microelectronics Master’s graduate from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, joined the project through a research internship. His passion for cutting-edge technology led him to complete a Master’s thesis on coded signals for MIMO ultrasound. As a Ph.D. candidate supervised by Prof. Fettweiß, Cornelius delves into System-on-Chip integration for advanced ultrasound imaging, along with FPGA implementations.

Dr. med. Antje Naas

Lead scientist on usability and image quality

Antje is a Medical Doctor at the University Hospital Dresden. She joined the HybridEcho team in 2023 to conduct multi-centered clinical studies for the analysis of RF Data under the patronage of Dr. Herzog and Prof. Hampe. Antje graduated 2016 at the TU Dresden in Medicine and worked in Switzerland before returning to the University Hospital Dresden in 2021.

M. Sc. Omid Chaghaneh

Lead scientist on acoustic simulations

Omid completed his M.Sc. in Computational Modeling and Simulation at TU Dresden in 2022. He joined the HybridEcho team in 2023, and is pursuing his Ph.D. in Quantitative Ultrasound. His research is focusing on developing various mathematical models and analyzing ultrasonic signals with medical diagnosis purposes.

Alexa Sieghardt

Lab Coordination

Alexa is a medical-technical assistant and has many years of professional experience in various medical fields and laboratories. She has been working at Dresden University Hospital since 2010 and from December 2024 she will be supporting the HybridEcho team with the organization, clinical studies and laboratory experiments.

Student Members

Thesis Students

Marco Arnegger

Marco is pursuing Mechatronics at TU Dresden. After engaging with Clinicum Digitale in 2023, he joined HybridEcho for his thesis. Currently, he’s dedicated to characterizing and simulating CMUT behavior.

Tina Gabriel

Thesis clinical studies

Tina Gabriel studies medicine at the Carl Gustav Carus Universitätsklinikum Dresden since 2019. In 2023, she became part of the HybridEcho Group for her medical thesis, where her research focuses on the acquisition and analysis of focal liver lesions through quantitative ultrasound techniques.

Pascal Stöver

Thesis image reconstruction

Pascal is a Computer Science student at TU Dresden. After participating in the
Clinicum Digitale in 2023, he joined the HybridEcho team in 2024.
For his thesis he is investigating the implementation of the fourier-based
image reconstruction algorithm by Edgar Dorausch on an adaptive compute
acceleration platform.

Johanna Pfeifer

Thesis clinical studies

Johanna Pfeifer studies medicine at the Carl Gustav Carus Universitätsklinikum Dresden since 2019. In April 2024, she became part of the HybridEcho Group for her medical thesis. She will support our team with the acquisition of data for the analysis of quantitative ultrasound techniques.

Jakob Schäfer

Thesis clinical studies

Jakob studies medicine at the University of Halle since 2021. He joined the group after participating in the Clinicum Digitale for his medical thesis on the analysis of raw ultrasound data of the liver. After completing his first degree, he focused his research on quantitative ultrasound.

Jonas Petzsche

Thesis clinical studies

Jonas Petzsche has been studying medicine at the Carl Gustav Carus Universitätsklinikum Dresden since 2021. After participating in the Clinicum Digitale in March 2024, he joined the HybridEcho Group to work on his medical thesis. He will support our team in acquiring data for the analysis of quantitative ultrasound in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Jacob Florentin Urban

Thesis hardware design

Jacob studies Industrial Design at TU Dresden and joined Hybrid Echo in 2024 after attending Clinicum Digitale. For his thesis he is investigating ways to improve the ergonomic qualities of ultrasound probes in order to develop a new design.


Lisa Schurack

SHK system integration

Lisa studies Biomedical Engineering at the TU Dresden.
She became part of the HybridEcho team in 2023.
As a student assistant she works on improving the testbed and performs sound field measurements.

Shamoil Ejaz

SHK signal architecture

Shamoil Ejaz is a master’s student in Nanoelectronic Systems at TU Dresden. In April 2024, he joined the HybridEcho group as a research assistant SHK . His research is centered on signal architecture and communication between ultrasound transducers, where he is contributing to advancements in this specialized field

Franz Richter

SHK image reconstruction

Franz studies computer science and joined the HybridEcho research group as a student assistant in November of 2022. He assists Edgar Dorausch in the process of optimizing Fourier-based image reconstruction algorithms. Being generally interested in low-level code optimization, Franz recently started writing his Bachelor thesis, where he investigates the real-time capabilities of a SoC for a specific imaging algorithm.


Fraunhofer IPMS | Marco Kircher

In collaboration with Fraunhofer IPMS, the HybridEcho Group investigates the potential of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for ultrasonic applications. With many years of experience in ultrasound MEMS technology and its highly flexibel clean room processes Fraunhofer IPMS is supporting the special requirements of the HybridEcho development for super wideband signal use.

Fraunhofer IKTS | Susan Walter

The Fraunhofer IKTS site in Dresden‐Klotzsche has been working since many years in research and development of methods and systems for nondestructive evaluation. It offers methods, sensors and devices for different kinds of nondestructive testing and covers the entire value chain, all the way to prototype production. For special applications, Fraunhofer IKTS designs and manufactures customized ultrasonic probes and methods based on model calculations that can be adapted to different geometries, materials and other acoustic parameters in the best possible way. With this knowledge, it supports the HybridEcho group in developing highly effective and broadband piezoelectric ultrasound emitters.

Infineon Dresden

Infineon Dresden (IFD) is one of the largest and most modern semiconductor manufacturing and development sites. The main portfolio comprises discrete and smart power technologies, BiCMOS, embedded Flash, MEMS and Sensors. As partner in the HybridEcho Group IFD aims to develop MEMS-devices for medical applications.


Exelonix develops HW and SW for mobile communications systems especially in the area of the Internet of Things. The product portfolio comprises USB sticks with 4G/5G technologies, trackers, sensor nodes, and Bluetooth beacon enabled products, most connected to the cloud. In the HybridEcho Group Exelonix focuses on signal processing and interconnectivity.

Fraunhofer IPMS | Marco Kircher

In collaboration with Fraunhofer IPMS, the HybridEcho Group investigates the potential of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for ultrasonic applications. With many years of experience in ultrasound MEMS technology and its highly flexibel clean room processes Fraunhofer IPMS is supporting the special requirements of the HybridEcho development for super wideband signal use.

Fraunhofer IKTS | Susan Walter

The Fraunhofer IKTS site in Dresden‐Klotzsche has been working since many years in research and development of methods and systems for nondestructive evaluation. It offers methods, sensors and devices for different kinds of nondestructive testing and covers the entire value chain, all the way to prototype production. For special applications, Fraunhofer IKTS designs and manufactures customized ultrasonic probes and methods based on model calculations that can be adapted to different geometries, materials and other acoustic parameters in the best possible way. With this knowledge, it supports the HybridEcho group in developing highly effective and broadband piezoelectric ultrasound emitters.

Infineon Dresden

Infineon Dresden (IFD) is one of the largest and most modern semiconductor manufacturing and development sites. The main portfolio comprises discrete and smart power technologies, BiCMOS, embedded Flash, MEMS and Sensors. As partner in the HybridEcho Group IFD aims to develop MEMS-devices for medical applications.


Exelonix develops HW and SW for mobile communications systems especially in the area of the Internet of Things. The product portfolio comprises USB sticks with 4G/5G technologies, trackers, sensor nodes, and Bluetooth beacon enabled products, most connected to the cloud. In the HybridEcho Group Exelonix focuses on signal processing and interconnectivity.


more information coming soon


SITEC is valued across the world as a partner and supplier of automated production systems and for series manufacturing of modules and components. Our strengths include the optimisation of technological se­quences and flexible reaction to the challenges of a dynamic market with ever-shorter product cycles. In the in-house application center, 14 different laser sources of different designs and wavelengths are available for technology development. Based on the highest quality and environmental standards, SITEC offers efficient production technologies and complete turnkey solutions Made in Germany.

WOLFRAM Designer und Ingenieure

WOLFRAM Designer und Ingenieure (WDI) offers user-centered engineering and design services. The interdisciplinary team of designers and engineers provides product development for the market entry of technical innovations. WDI supports the HybridEcho research group in the product development process:

  • product conception and product design
  • usability conception, user interface design and user experience
  • mechanical engineering, technology integration and prototyping

HETEROMERGE is a StartUp company that offers complete multi-material solutions for 3D micro-printing to realize high-performant functional systems. Based on our multi-material print head, we provide automated in situ material exchange in two-photon 3D laser-printing. As partner in the HybridEcho group, we support the fabrication of novel ultrasonic transducer elements via micro-additive processes.


More information coming soon


SITEC is valued across the world as a partner and supplier of automated production systems and for series manufacturing of modules and components. Our strengths include the optimisation of technological se­quences and flexible reaction to the challenges of a dynamic market with ever-shorter product cycles. In the in-house application center, 14 different laser sources of different designs and wavelengths are available for technology development. Based on the highest quality and environmental standards, SITEC offers efficient production technologies and complete turnkey solutions Made in Germany.

WOLFRAM Designer und Ingenieure

WOLFRAM Designer und Ingenieure (WDI) offers user-centered engineering and design services. The interdisciplinary team of designers and engineers provides product development for the market entry of technical innovations. WDI supports the HybridEcho research group in the product development process:

  • product conception and product design
  • usability conception, user interface design and user experience
  • mechanical engineering, technology integration and prototyping

HETEROMERGE is a StartUp company that offers complete multi-material solutions for 3D micro-printing to realize high-performant functional systems. Based on our multi-material print head, we provide automated in situ material exchange in two-photon 3D laser-printing. As partner in the HybridEcho group, we support the fabrication of novel ultrasonic transducer elements via micro-additive processes.

Funded by
Logo BMBF Förderung
TUD Logo

HybridEcho is also part of the Cluster4Future SEMECO. The Free State of Saxony is additionally funding this project. HybridEcho complements the innovative pool of ideas in the cluster ecosystem.

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